অভিশাপ ইয়েন

Amelia Clementine, একটি নেতৃস্থানীয় ফ্যাশন শিল্পের মালিক একজন কোটিপতি এবং অত্যন্ত সফল তরুণী। প্রতি রাতে তার তীব্র ছায়াময় অতীত জীবন্ত হয়ে উঠতে সে মানসিক অশান্তির মধ্যে যাচ্ছে। তার বাবা এবং মায়ের মধ্যে অস্থির সম্পর্কের কারণে সে যে অস্থির অতীত অনুভব করেছিল।

তার অপমানজনক বাবা অ্যাডাম একজন উচ্চাভিলাষী ব্যবসায়িক টাইকুন ছিলেন এবং পরিবারের জন্য তার কোন সময় ছিল না। তার মা সামন্ত নতুন বন্ধুদের সাথে দেখা করতে এবং বেড়াতে ব্যস্ত ছিলেন। তারা দুজনই মাদকাসক্ত ছিল এবং প্রতি রাতেই তারা মাতাল হয়ে বাড়ি ফিরত। বাড়ি ফিরে তারা কখনো কথা বলে না এবং যখনই তারা কথা বলে, তখনই বিশৃঙ্খলা দেখা দেয়। তার বাবা তার মায়ের শিথিল স্বভাব এবং প্রেমিকের সাথে মিশতে পছন্দ করতেন না এবং তাকে অনেক মারতেন।

এক রাতে, অ্যাডাম সামন্তকে এতটাই তিরস্কার করেছিল যে এমনকি সে তাকে আক্রমণ করতে বাধ্য হয়েছিল। সে ফুলদানী দিয়ে পিছন থেকে আদমকে আঘাত করলে সে মাটিতে পড়ে যায়। পরে তাকে হাসপাতালে নিয়ে গেলে চিকিৎসক মৃত ঘোষণা করেন। সামন্তকে গ্রেফতার করেছে পুলিশ। বিচার দীর্ঘ সময় ধরে চলেছিল যতক্ষণ না সে বাড়িতে আসে এবং কয়েক দিন পরে সে হতাশা থেকে আত্মহত্যার চেষ্টা করে।

অ্যামেলিয়া তার কিশোর বয়সে এই সমস্ত উত্থান-পতন পর্যবেক্ষণ করেছে এবং সে তার বাবার ফ্যাশন শিল্পের রুডারকে ধরে রেখেছে। সে নিজেকে এতটাই শক্তিশালী করে তোলে যে আবেগ তাকে কখনই নেতৃত্ব দিতে পারে না। তার ঠাকুরমা তার নাম রেখেছেন অ্যামেলিয়া ক্লেমেন্টাইন যার অর্থ কঠোর পরিশ্রমী এবং করুণাময়। তার নামটি বোঝায় যে তিনি তার মনোভাব এবং সহায়ক ব্যক্তিতে দৃঢ়ভাবে দৃঢ়প্রতিজ্ঞ। কিন্তু সে প্রেম এবং স্নেহ বিশ্বাস করে না। সে তার সমস্ত সিদ্ধান্ত তার মস্তিষ্ক দিয়ে নেয় এবং আজ পর্যন্ত কেউ তাকে হারাতে পারেনি।

যখন সে মিস্টার চার্লির সাথে দেখা করে তখন তার জীবনে একটি অসাধারণ পরিবর্তন ঘটে। ক্যাস্পিয়ান চার্লি একজন প্রফুল্ল উদীয়মান মডেল এবং উত্সাহী ফটোগ্রাফার। তাকে একটি বিখ্যাত কর্পোরেট প্রতিযোগিতায় অ্যামেলিয়ার কোম্পানির শো টপার ড্রেস উপস্থাপন করার জন্য আমন্ত্রণ জানানো হয়েছে। কোম্পানি প্রতিযোগিতায় জয়ী হয় এবং প্রোগ্রামের পরে একটি বিশাল লাভ করে।

অ্যামেলিয়া মিস্টার চার্লিকে তার শিল্পের জন্য স্থায়ীভাবে নিয়োগ করার সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়। তিনি অফিসের বাইরে মিস্টার চার্লির সাথে একটি অফিসিয়াল মিটিং ঠিক করেন এবং তার সাথে দেখা করেন। অ্যামেলিয়া খুব সুন্দর এবং আজ তার মতো সফল কেউ নেই। মিস্টার চার্লি প্রথম দেখাতেই অ্যামেলিয়ার প্রেমে পড়ে যান। কিন্তু, অ্যামেলিয়া তার ব্যবসায়িক চুক্তির ব্যাপারে খুবই কঠোর এবং সে সরাসরি তার সাথে চুক্তির সাথে যোগাযোগ করে। চুক্তিতে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে যে মিস্টার চার্লি হবেন তার কোম্পানির সর্বোচ্চ বেতনভোগী মডেল। শুধুমাত্র অ্যামেলিয়ার কোম্পানির জন্য তার আজীবন সেবার বিনিময়ে তিনি যা দাবি করেন তার সবকিছুই তাকে দেওয়া হবে।

মিঃ চার্লি চুক্তিপত্রটি দেখে হতবাক হয়ে যান এবং কিছু বলতে হতবাক হয়ে যান। এমেলিয়া কতটা অহংকারী আর অহংকারী তা নিয়ে সে অবাক! কিভাবে সে তাকে কেনার প্রস্তাব দিতে পারে? তিনি ঘটনাস্থলে চুক্তি প্রত্যাখ্যান করেন এবং ভবিষ্যতে কোম্পানির সাথে কোনো কাজ করতে অস্বীকার করেন।
অ্যামিলিয়া তার প্রত্যাখ্যানকে সহজে নেয় না কারণ সে কখনই পরাজয়ের স্বাদ পায়নি। চার্লির সোজাসাপ্টা প্রত্যাখ্যান তাকে আরও আক্রমণাত্মক করে তোলে। তার আসল অনুভূতি লুকিয়ে রাখার চমৎকার গুণ রয়েছে। সে মিস্টার চার্লির কাছে দুঃখিত এবং সে লোভী কিনা তা বিচার করার ভান করে। ঘটনাটি শান্ত করার জন্য তিনি ব্যাখ্যা করেন যে এটি নিছক কাগজপত্র, গুরুতর কিছু নয়। মিস্টার চার্লির ইচ্ছা অনুযায়ী তিনি আবার এটি তৈরি করবেন। আপাতত অ্যামিলিয়া মিস্টার চার্লির বন্ধু হতে চায়।

মিস্টার চার্লি কৌশলটি অ্যামিলিয়া খুঁজে পায় না এবং অ্যামিলিয়ার মিষ্টি অভিনয়ে গলে যায়। কিছুদিন পর তিনি অ্যামিলিয়ার কোম্পানির সঙ্গে চুক্তি করেন। ধীরে ধীরে তারা ভাল বন্ধু হয়ে ওঠে, এবং চার্লি খুব দ্রুত উন্নতি করতে শুরু করে। তারা একে অপরের প্রেমে পড়েছে এবং আমিলিয়ার ফ্ল্যাটে একসাথে চলে গেছে। সে তার সাথে দেখা করে এমন সমস্ত ব্যক্তিকে পর্যবেক্ষণ করে যে সে যেই হোক না কেন।

আমিলিয়া চার্লিকে সব জায়গায় স্টক করতে শুরু করে। আসলে, অ্যামিলিয়া তার ফ্লার্ট করা এবং বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ প্রকৃতিকে বিরক্ত করে এবং তার সাথে কথা বলতে আসা সমস্ত লোককে শাস্তি দেয়। চার্লি তার প্রায় পুরো সময়টাই আমিলিয়ার সাথে কাটিয়েছেন। তিনি চার্লির বন্ধুদের, পরিবারের সদস্যদের, ভক্তদের এবং অন্য সকলকে গোপনে শাস্তি দিতে শুরু করেন যে কেউ চার্লিকে ডাকে।

একদিন তারা দুপুরের খাবারের জন্য একটি রেস্তোরাঁয় যায় এবং ওয়েট্রেসকে কিছু রস পরিবেশন করার জন্য ডাকে। যখন সে রস নিয়ে আসে, ঘটনাক্রমে চার্লির শার্টে কিছু রস ছড়িয়ে পড়ে। চার্লি আকস্মিকভাবে ঘটছে এবং অ্যামিলিয়াও রেস্তোরাঁয় স্বাভাবিকভাবে কাজ করে। কিন্তু সে মেয়েটিকে চিহ্নিত করেছে এবং তার উপর প্রতিশোধ নিতে বদ্ধপরিকর।

আমিলিয়া তার বাড়ির ঠিকানা সংগ্রহ করে এবং তার বৃদ্ধ পক্ষাঘাতগ্রস্ত মায়ের সাথে দেখা করে। সে সেই পরিচারিকাকে মিথ্যা অপবাদ দিয়ে বলে যে মেয়েটি অর্থ উপার্জনের জন্য পতিতা হিসাবে কাজ করে। এটি করার পরেও অ্যামেলিয়া শান্ত হয় না এবং তার প্রতিশোধ এখনও নেওয়া হয়নি। তিনি ওই রেস্তোরাঁর ম্যানেজারের কাছে অভিযোগ করেন যে তরুণী গ্রাহকদের ফুসলিয়ে নিয়ে যাচ্ছে। রেস্তোরাঁ কর্তৃপক্ষ সুনামের কথা ভেবে মেয়েটিকে চাকরি থেকেও বরখাস্ত করেছে।
চার্লি জানে যে অ্যামিলিয়া তাকে মনেপ্রাণে ভালোবাসে। কিন্তু, সে তার পাগলামি সম্পর্কে বেশ অজ্ঞ। ঘটনার পর তিনি অ্যামেলিয়ার আবেশ সম্পর্কে জানতে পারেন। মেয়েটি চার্লিকে ফোন করে অভিযোগ প্রত্যাহারের জন্য ব্যাগ দিলে তিনি চিন্তিত হয়ে পড়েন। পূর্বে তিনি আমিলিয়ার মধ্যে চরম হিংসা লক্ষ্য করেছিলেন কিন্তু তিনি জানেন না যে তিনি তার প্রতি আচ্ছন্ন।

সে চার্লিকে সবার থেকে সম্পূর্ণ বিচ্ছিন্ন করে ফেলেছে। চার্লি জিজ্ঞাসা করতে শুরু করে যে বন্ধু এবং পরিবারের কি হয়েছে। কেন তারা তার কাছ থেকে সংশোধিত হয়েছিল? তারপর তিনি জানতে পারেন যে অ্যামিলিয়া তাদের বলেছিল যে চার্লি তাদের সাথে কোনও সংযুক্তি রাখতে চায় না। সে তার জীবনে দ্রুত এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে এবং তাই তার পরিবারের জন্য কোন সময় নেই। এসব জেনে চার্লি নিশ্চিত হয়ে যায় যে আমিলিয়া মানসিকভাবে অসুস্থ।

চার্লি অ্যামিলিয়াকে ভালোবাসে এবং সে চায় সে সুস্থ হোক। তিনি এ বিষয়ে আমিলিয়ার সঙ্গে কথা বলতে চান। এটি করার আগে আমিলিয়া তার প্রতি তার অত্যধিক ভক্তি প্রকাশ করে। তিনি স্বীকার করেছেন যে তিনি কোনও সামাজিক এবং সাংস্কৃতিক নিয়ম জানেন না কারণ তার শেখানোর মতো কেউ নেই। কোনোভাবে সে চার্লিকে বোঝাতে সক্ষম হয় এবং সে আগের চেয়ে বেশি যত্নশীল হয়ে ওঠে।

এখন অ্যামিলিয়া চার্লির প্রতিটি পদক্ষেপ নিরীক্ষণ করতে শুরু করে এবং তাকে সর্বত্র নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে। আমিলিয়া ছাড়া সে বাইরে যেতে পারে না, এমনকি তাকে ছাড়া অন্য কিছুর ছবিও তুলতে পারে না। দিনে দিনে বিধিনিষেধ বাড়ছে এবং চার্লি তার আচরণে দমবন্ধ হয়ে যাচ্ছে।

পরিস্থিতি চার্লির সহ্যের বাইরে চলে যায়। তিনি আলাদা হওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছেন। যেহেতু তিনি আমিলিয়ার কাছ থেকে একটি স্পষ্ট এবং পারস্পরিক বিচ্ছেদ চান, তিনি এটি অ্যামিলিয়াকে জানিয়েছিলেন। কিন্তু, এই অ্যামিলিয়াকে নিয়োগ দিয়ে আবেগপ্রবণ হয়ে চার্লিকে তাকে ছেড়ে না যাওয়ার জন্য অনুরোধ করেন। তিনি তার মানসিক স্বাস্থ্যের উন্নতির জন্য একজন মনোরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞের সাথে পরামর্শ করার প্রতিশ্রুতি দিয়েছেন। আবার, চার্লি তার সাথে বন্ধু হিসাবে থাকার সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছিল যাতে সে তাকে গুরুতর মানসিক অসুস্থতা থেকে বেরিয়ে আসতে সাহায্য করতে পারে।

অমিলিয়া মনে মনে অন্য কিছুর পরিকল্পনা করল। যদিও সে সুস্থ হওয়ার ভান করার জন্য তার চিকিৎসার জন্য একজন মনোরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞের সেশনে নিজেকে ভর্তি করেছে, সে চার্লিকে অনুসরণ করা বন্ধ করেনি। একদিন চার্লি অন্য মহিলা মডেলের সাথে ফটোশুটের জন্য একটি অ্যাপয়েন্টমেন্ট আছে। তিনি অ্যামিলিয়াকে বাড়িতে বিশ্রাম নিতে বলেছেন কারণ তিনি বিষণ্নতার ওষুধ খাচ্ছেন। অমিলিয়া সম্মত হয় এবং হাসে। কিন্তু, সে সন্দেহ করে যে সে একা যেতে চায়।

সে চার্লির সাথে এক কাপ চা খেতে চায় এবং তাদের জন্য চা তৈরি করতে যেতে চায়। চার্লি খাবার টেবিলে তার জন্য অপেক্ষা করছে। এবং চা আনার সময় সে ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে হোঁচট খেয়েছিল এবং গরম চা চার্লির মুখে বানান। শুধু যে চার্লিকে হাসপাতালে ভর্তি হতে হয়েছে তা নয়, তার মুখও নষ্ট হয়ে গেছে। যদিও, সমস্ত ঘটছে পরিকল্পিত অ্যামিলিয়া এটি একটি দুর্ঘটনা বলে ভান করেছে।
হাসপাতাল থেকে ফিরে তিনি দেখেন যে আমিলিয়া আরও আচ্ছন্ন হয়ে পড়েছে। চার্লি তার থেকে পরিত্রাণ পেতে চায় এবং সে তার সমস্ত কার্যকলাপে বিরক্ত। সুস্থ হওয়ার পর সে তার বন্ধুর সাথে দেখা করতে বের হবে। অ্যামিলিয়া বাথরুম থেকে বেরিয়ে আসে এবং সে দেখে যে চার্লি প্রস্তুত হচ্ছে। আমিলিয়া জিজ্ঞেস করলো কোথায় যাচ্ছে। চার্লি তাকে না জানানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নেয় এবং ঘর থেকে বেরিয়ে আসে। আমিলিয়া অজ্ঞতা সহ্য করতে পারে না এবং চার্লির সাথে তর্ক করতে সিঁড়িতে চলে যায়। ঝগড়ার এক পর্যায়ে আমিলিয়া চার্লিকে ধাক্কা দেন। সিঁড়ি দিয়ে পড়ে পা ভেঙে যায়।

চার্লি হাসপাতাল থেকে তার বাড়িতে ফিরে যেতে অস্বীকার করেছে। সে তার নিজের ঘরে ফিরে সবার কাছে আমিলিয়াকে প্রকাশ করতে শুরু করেছে। যেহেতু তিনি একজন সফল ব্যবসায়ী, সমস্ত ফ্যাশন ম্যাগাজিন এবং সংবাদপত্র সব জায়গা থেকে খবর কভার করে। তিনি সব দ্বারা সমালোচিত হয়েছে. এই সময়ের মধ্যে অ্যামিলিয়া তার প্রতি চার্লির ঘৃণার অনুভূতি জানতে পারে। যদিও সে খুব রাগান্বিত এবং দুঃখী, সে তার সম্মান এবং ব্যবসা নিয়েও চিন্তিত হয়ে পড়ে।

মিডিয়ার মনোযোগ সরাতে অ্যামিলিয়া চার্লিকে হত্যার চেষ্টা এবং গার্হস্থ্য সহিংসতার মামলায় অভিযুক্ত করে। পুলিশ চার্লিকে ধরে নিয়ে জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ করে। চার্লি পুলিশকে বলে যে সে নির্দোষ এবং এও বলে যে আমিলিয়া মানসিকভাবে অসুস্থ। সে তার হৃদয় যা চায় তাই করার প্রবণতা রাখে এবং সে তা করার জন্য সবকিছু করতে পারে।
চার্লি একজন আইনজীবীর সহায়তায় জেল থেকে জামিনে বেরিয়ে আসে। দুজনেই একে অপরের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযোগ তোলেন। অ্যামিলিয়া তার মানসিক সেশনের সমস্ত নথি ডাক্তারের ডেস্ক এবং তার বাড়ি থেকে সরিয়ে দেয়। মামলাটি এখন বিচারাধীন। যেহেতু আমিলিয়ার অভিযোগ এবং কারণগুলি আরও বিশ্বাসযোগ্য বলে মনে হয়, প্রশাসন চার্লিকে দোষী বলে মনে করে। তবে অপরাধীকে খুঁজে বের করতে তদন্ত চলছে।

Damn Yen

Amelia Clementine, the owner of the leading fashion industry, is a millionaire and an extremely successful young lady. She is going through a mental disturbance as her severe shady past becomes vivid every night. The turbulent past she experienced was because of the unstable relationship between her father and mother.

Adam, her abusive father, was a successful businessman who had no time for his family. Her mother, Samanta, was busy meeting new friends and outings. They were both drug addicts who came home drunk every night. Back home, they never spoke, and whenever they spoke, there was chaos. His father did not like his wife’s lax nature and mixing with boyfriends, and beat her a lot.

One night, Adam scolded Samanta so much that even she was forced to attack him. When she hit Adam from behind with the vase, he fell to the ground. After taking him to the hospital, the doctors pronounced him dead. Samanta was apprehended by police. The trial went on for a long time until she came home, and a few days later, she attempted suicide out of depression.

Amelia has observed all these ups and downs in her teenage years, and she holds the rudder of her father’s fashion industry. She builds herself so strong that emotions can never lead her. Her grandma named her Amelia Clementine, which means hard-working and merciful. As her name denotes, she is strongly determined in her attitude and a helpful person. But she does not believe in love and affection. She takes all her decisions with her brain, and no one has been able to beat her till today.

A tremendous change happens in her life when she meets Mr. Charlie. Caspian Charlie is a cheerful rising model and passionate photographer. He is invited to present the show’s topper dresses of Amelia’s company in a renowned corporate competition. The company wins the competition and makes a huge profit after the program.

Amelia decides to hire Mr. Charlie for her business permanently. She fixed an official meeting with Mr. Charlie outside the office and met with him. Amelia is very beautiful, and today there is no one as successful as she. Mr. Charlie falls in love with Amelia at the very first sight. But Amelia is very strict about her business deal, and she approaches the deal with him directly. The deal mentions that Mr. Charlie will be the highest-paid model in her company. He will be given everything that he demands in exchange for his lifetime service only to Amelia’s company.

Mr. Charlie is shocked to see the agreement paper and is taken aback to say anything. He is surprised at how arrogant and proud Amelia is! How could she make a proposal to buy him? He rejected the deal on the spot and refused to do any work with the company in the future.

Amilia doesn’t take his refusal easily as she has never tasted defeat. As a result of Charlie’s direct rejection, she becomes more aggressive. She has the excellent quality of hiding her real feelings. She says sorry to Mr. Charlie and pretends to judge him whether he is greedy or not. To pacify the incident, she explains that it is mere paperwork, nothing serious. She will make it again according to Mr. Charlie’s wish. For the time being, Amilia wants to be friends with Mr. Charlie.

Mr. Charlie can’t find the trick Amilia and gets melted by the sweet Amilia. After a few days, he signed a deal with Amilia’s company. Gradually, they become good friends, and Charlie starts flourishing very fast. They have fallen in love with each other and moved together into Amilia’s flat.
Amilia starts to stock Charlie everywhere. Actually, Amilia irks his flirtatious and friendly nature and punishes all the people who come to speak with him. She observes all the people who meet him, whoever he is. Charlie spent almost all of his time with Amilia. She starts to secretly punish Charlie’s friends, family members, fans, and all others who call her Charlie.

One day, they go to a restaurant for lunch and order some juice from the waitress. When she brought the juice, some accidentally spilled on Charlie’s shirt. Charlie makes up the whole thing casually, and Amilia also acts normally at the restaurant. But she has marked the girl and is determined to get revenge on her. Amilia collects the address of her house and meets her aged, paralyzed mother. She falsely accuses that waitress by saying that the girl works as a prostitute to earn money. Amelia does not calm down even after doing so, and her revenge is yet to be exacted. She complained to the manager of that restaurant that the girl was seducing the young customers. Thinking of the reputation of the restaurant, the authorities fired the girl from the job as well.

Charlie knows that Amilia loves him wholeheartedly. But he is completely unaware of her insane behavior. He comes to know about Amelia’s obsession after the incident. He had become worried when the girl phoned Charlie and asked to withdraw the complaint. Previously, he observed the extreme jealousy in Amilia, but he did not know that she was obsessed with him.

She has isolated Charlie completely from everyone. Charlie starts inquiring about what happened to his friends and family. Why did they get detached from him? Then he comes to know that Amilia told them that Charlie didn’t want to have any attachment to them. He is moving fast in his life, so he doesn’t have any time for his family. Knowing all this, Charlie becomes sure that Amilia is mentally ill. Charlie loves Amilia, and he wants her to be cured. He wants to talk to Amilia about this. Before doing that, Amilia reveals her excessive devotion to him. She has also admitted that she does not know any social or cultural norms as she has none to teach. Somehow, she manages to convince Charlie, and he becomes more caring than before.

Now Amilia starts to monitor Charlie’s every step and controls him everywhere. Without Amilia, he can’t go outside or even take a photograph of anything but her. Day by day, the restrictions are increasing, and Charlie gets suffocated by their behavior. The situation goes beyond Charlie’s tolerance. He has decided to be separated. He wanted a clear and mutual separation from Amilia, so he made it known to Amilia. However, in hiring this, Amilia pretended to be emotional and asked Charlie not to leave her. She has promised to consult with a psychiatrist to improve her mental health. Again, Charlie decided to stay with her as a friend so that he could help her recover from severe mental illness.

Amilia had something else on her mind. Though she admitted herself to the session of a psychiatrist for her treatment to pretend to be cured, she does not stop following Charlie. One day, Charlie has an appointment for a photo shoot with another female model. He has told Amilia to rest at home as she is taking medication for depression. Amilia agrees and smiles. But she suspects that he wants to go alone to meet his other girlfriend.

She wishes to have a cup of tea with Charlie and goes to prepare tea for them. Charlie is waiting at the dining table for her. While bringing tea, she stumbled intentionally, and the hot tea spelled in Charlie’s face. Not only was Charlie’s face ruined, but he had to be hospitalized. All the events occurring are planned Amilia has pretended that it is an accident.

After returning from the hospital, he observed that Amilia had become more obsessed. Charlie wants to get rid of her, and he is fed up with all her activities. After recovering, he is about to go out to meet his friend. Amilia comes out of the bathroom, and she sees that Charlie is getting ready. Amilia asked where he was going. Charlie decides not to make her know and comes out of the room. Amilia couldn’t tolerate the ignorance and went to the stairs to argue with Charlie. At one point in the quarrel, Amilia pushed Charlie. He fell down the stairs and broke his leg.

Charlie denied going back to her house from the hospital. He has returned to his own house and started to reveal Amilia to everyone. As she is a successful businesswoman, all fashion magazines and newspapers cover the story everywhere. She has been criticized by all. By this time, Amilia learns of Charlie’s feelings of hatred for her. Although she is very angry and sad, she also becomes worried about his honor and business.

To divert the media attention, Amilia accuses Charlie of her fake attempt to murder and of a domestic violence case. The police took Charlie and interrogated him. Charlie tells the police that he is innocent and also states that Amilia is mentally ill. She tends to do whatever her heart desires, and she can do anything to make it so.

Charlie comes out of jail on bail with the help of a lawyer. Both of them made accusations against each other. Amilia removes all the documents from her psychiatric session from the doctor’s desk and from her house as well. The case is now under trial. As Amilia’s accusations and reasons seemed more convincing, the administration considered Charlie guilty. But the investigation is going on to trace the culprit.

Mimosa Pudica, The Wonder Plant

The thing that makes us curious of discovering more and more about nature is its diversity. Mimosa pudica is one of those most amazing plants. We often know it as touch me not or Lajjayavati. This plant is famous for its sensitivity to being touched. It warped up its leaf and small branch while it is touched to protect itself. Mimosa pudica is very common in tropical countries of America and Asia.

It is a plant of the Mimosa genus and Fabaceae family. Surprisingly the name ‘pudica’ derives from its immediate reaction of shrinking. The leaves of this plant are two pinnae pairs and a smooth pink flower in the head of the branch. The whole bushes of this little plant are covered with thorns. Carl Linnaeus introduce Mimosa pudica in 1753 in Species Plantarum. Scientists marked this plant for experiments because of its medicinal benefit. It is traditionally used as the primary antidote to the poison of snakes or similar spices.

The plant has a huge impact on curing many diseases. It’s the root, leaves Plant Seed and every part is used for making medicine for prominent diseases like fistula, piles, hemorrhoids, depression, and insomnia. Because of its multidimensional benefit, the plants have gained the prestigious Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society of the United Kingdom.

Mimosa pudica has a tremendous effect on weight loss and many of us take its juice to maintain good health. But, be careful while using Mimosa Pudica if you are trying to have a baby as the plant contains some anti-fertility properties. The plant spread from seeds and sprouts. It does not require much attention to grow up and flourish profoundly while the sprout is moved to a bigger place and water regularly. You can easily grow this plant in sunlight with very little water.

Dancing Fairy

Once upon a Time, in a kingdom, there were 2 princesses named Friona and Grassia. They were very beautiful and creative. All is famous for its beauty and kindness. The king was very worried about the future of his daughters. Because the two princesses were cursed by a witch when they have grown up and reached the age of marriage a dragon will take them as his maid.

The king also wanted his daughter to learn all the necessary things to survive. he forced his children to learn weapons and fighting. the king is very strict in teaching the princess those subjects. And the girls are doing very well and prepared to face all the problems.

But the girls also love dancing and painting. Friona was calm and serene and loved nature. she loves to paint flowers, mountains, and springs. but Grassia is lively and she loves dancing. but they can’t practice dancing and painting openly. they make a secret place for painting and dancing.

One day the princesses finished practicing and the king said “ladies this is enough for today! Get to your room and continue reading. you girls need to know the rules of war .” Almost except for meals and weapon practicing the princesses had to stay in their rooms. They were not allowed to go anywhere to play.

The king sits with his queen in the garden. he says “my daughters are also starting to the age of marriage. they are so beautiful and talented. all my subjects love them. but is there anyone who can save them from the upcoming danger? Queen suggests that a high wall should be built around the palace.

the strictness made the princess feel suffocated. They were always looking for ways to step out of the border. All day long they learn the subjects that their father wants them to learn. and they went out at night and learn more about their hobbies. every night they return before dawn and sleep.

Every night when the princess went to sleep it was the king who closed the door and latched. But, till the next morning, the king always saw their shoe was all torn and can’t figure out what happened! What happens to these shoes? Did you hide me to go out again? it is not safe for you. A dragon is lurking to steal you.

father, we are strong enough to fight with the dragon. Moreover, you have locked the door every night. How could we get out? those shoes are torn due to our long-term usage. We didn’t manage to fix them. but the king became very anxious.

One night the princesses went outside for painting and dance. the little princess Grassia was dancing and she followed a firefly and forgot her way to the palace. Friona became worried when she didn’t see her sister for a long time. she started screaming and caring for Grassia. the dragon who was sleeping woke up suddenly and see the princesses screening in front of a cave. he becomes very happy and captured the elder princess. the princess couldn’t fight as she was upset by losing her sister. when the dragon flew with the elder sister Grassia suddenly got her sense and realise she was lost in the forest.

When Grassia starts screaming the dragon sees her and captures her also. on the other side, the king becomes worried about not seeing his daughter in a room in the morning. the queen then discover the secret door in their room and then they understand that the girls go out at night .

by following the secret door the king and the queen reached the place where the two princesses used to practice painting and dancing. then they realise the princesses must be in danger and the dragon might captured them with him.

the king then announce that whoever could fight the dragon for his daughter, he will be the next king of the kingdom.

Effect of Social Media in daily life.

Pellentesque duis ac. Feugiat placerat, fusce dictum enim nibh commodo, et vel, quam luctus nostra phasellus omnis quis. Proin nonummy, pede parturient tellus. Vel faucibus. Lobortis nulla arcu accumsan lacus nascetur. Orci neque, iaculis luctus, venenatis euismod erat, vel dui cum. Ut mauris lorem, fringilla turpis massa, aptent semper mauris. Nulla leo, ornare aliquam tempus, in ornare ultrices, vulputate sed sed gravida in, ab ante arcu porttitor ac leo est. Nec id ut erat metus donec, tincidunt morbi suscipit accumsan integer tincidunt, sem fringilla mattis interdum nulla felis. Metus aliquam laborum culpa vehicula, fusce arcu, in proin condimentum, diam id euismod, eu accumsan.

What words can I make with these letters?


You may be thinking of doing something new with letters and planning to play a new game with words. Besides increasing your knowledge, it also expands your creativity level. In this game, you may be given some letters, and you have to create words with that letters as much as possible. You have to think, What words can I make with these letters.

Many tools help you to search for vocabulary. You just need to input the letters in those search tools, and they will provide you all the possible words that are consist of the given letters. You may play the game of creating vocabulary with your friends, like scrabble and words with friends. The word search websites help you to win the game. When you are enthusiastic about igniting your brain cells and impressing your thrilling opponent with your encyclopedic mind, try the search site like word generator.

Navigating The Word Tools and Word Lists:

When you open a website of the word finder tool, first of all, you may find a menu bar. The ber will lead you to the page where you find an organized list of all tools used to make words. To get more options and the Litscape default word list, you have to scroll down and search for alternatives. Here you get a word analysis section to navigate the word correctly.

Many word finders may help you to create a new word and enrich your vocabulary. Such as: 

1. Words With Friends,

2. Wordscapes

3. Word Chums

4. Scrabble

How To Use The Word Finding Tools:

Word finding tools help students, poets, and writers find new words and bring innovation to their writing. Moreover, scrapbookers, typographers, crossword puzzle enthusiasts, Scrabble, and Words With Friends players get helps from this tool and win the game via new words.

Using a word tool is not a very hard task to do. You need to specify some criteria you want to find in the word you are searching for. You also can direct the word by selecting the first and last letter. Then they will give you a list of the probable words. It is easier than your thinking of the procedures. Let’s go through the general functions of the word finder tools:

1. Word selection list: To create words with letters or such types of the game, first of all, you have to select a word. There are lists of words, and each list contains a particular color. The tool button of the list will change the color.

2. Choosing the right word tool: you have to pick the right word tool to go to the corresponding word list’s corresponding tool page list. 

3. Input the letters: on the provided tool page, you will find a box . the box is given to input the letters. Now enter your desire letter into the box.

4.  Press Find Words: it’s time to have a click on the find words button to get new words in the entry box. They will amuse you by showing the box where you will find the matching words and the percentage of the main word list.

5. the formatting and sorting buttons: These buttons help you view the letters in the word, their scores, and their use in a different game. 

Isn’t it so simple to find words with letters! The search result will be customized ascendingly or descendingly, from the starting or ending of the words, alphabetically or in length. You may also get them high and low board scores by the Words With Friends or Scrabble.

What the Word finder can produce words:

You may find numerous types of word search tools on the internet that help you enjoy the word game. You could find different sorts of words with that tools. The word list that you have to choose defines the number of terms of the search result.

If you choose The censored word list of Litscape.com, you may get over 221,719 words . on the other hand, the enable censored word list will provide you 170,695 words. You may get over 343,463 words in the mammoth word list. The enormous word list will give you more and more words, but you need to verify those words on google whether those words are valid or not.

1.Words start with: The word search begins with this step. Here you have to input the letters, prefix, or any direction. You may ask for the words starting with ‘at’ and get the result’s attention, atmosphere, etc.

2 Words end with: again, you can give them the direction of showing the words ends with some specific letters. If you ask for the words that end with ight or ment you may get the words like for ment- achievement acknowledgment vehement, etc. and for ight- affright right sight night, etc.

3. Sequence Word Finder: The sequence word finder can make the word with the given letter sequence. The sequence may occur anywhere in the new terms in one condition that the letters must stay together in order. If you fixed the letters like ‘pha’, the word finder would give you the words like emphasis, alpha, and phase.

4. Containing Minimally Words: Containing Minimally Words is the most exciting word finding. It is most often like scrabble words. Here you may give some letter s and search the word that made of those letters. Wherever the word is, don’t matter. for instance, if you fix the letter WX for the word, you need the word finder to give you the words like oxbow, wax, boxwood, etc.

5. Containing Only Words: Containing only words defines the boundaries of the word finder. Here you choose specific words that have some letters. You direct them to made words only with those letters. The letters don’t need to maintain the sequence. Ensure that the letters’ frequency doesn’t exceed that in the set of letters you specify. For example, you may choose the word ice and instruct to make words with those letters. The word finder gives you the words like I ice icier ire re rice.

6. Word Containing Only + 1 Blank Tile:  It will show you the words that can be made from any set of letters with any other arbitrary single letter. The Letters can occur anywhere in a word. the only condition is that the letters’ frequency cannot exceed the set of letters in the new words that you have specified, without one. Words will be using the letters in ate and one blank tile: mate, late, heat, the, ten, tea, pat, oat, net, met, etc.

7. Words Containing Only + 2 Blank Tiles: Containing letters only with two blank tiles maintain the same rules as the one blank tiles. The only difference is there is space for two different words. Words will be using the letters in at and two blank tiles:Taos, tank ,tamp ,tame, tall, talk, tale, brat, boat,beta, beta, bats, bath.

Additionally, there are also Words Made From Word Finder, where you will find the search tool’s new output. When you try the Pattern Match Word Finder, you may find words that match a particular pattern, such as you may get dig, dog, dug, etc. for d? g or, more interestingly, badge, ladybugs, hedgehogs for ‘??d*g* ‘. It is beneficial for crossword puzzles. Moreover, Anagram Word Finder, Soundex Word Finder, and Metaphone Word Finder all have their unique ways of finding thousands of words in your requiring choice.

Why word finder is essential:

 The word search tool adds innovation in education that enlarges the scope of learning. It adds a new dimension of gathering vocabulary in your stock. The benefits of word finder are :

  1. You can make your child play many healthy games like alphabet game Vocabulary Jeopardy, Prefix/Suffix Game through the word searcher. Your children may learn from those games and become interested to learn more and more words.
  1. It would be a great supplement to the educational resources for the students and teachers. Playing with anagrams and jumble solvers can be included as supplementary lessons on phonics, diphthongs, and other spelling and grammar concepts.
  1. There are many adult word game app. If you are enthusiastic about playing word games like Scrabble GO, Wordscapes, and CodyCross, the word finder tools are the best mate. You could quickly solve the puzzled through the word finder.
  1. When you want to train your brain to react fast in making words s the tools have no suitable substitute. To increase the power of your brain and keep your mind sharp, you may conduct daily word searches, Mahjong Words, and may play Wheel of Fortune.

5. In order to boot, your puzzle-solving skill, the wood-finding tool, is an essential companion. Using the power of technology, you can train your mind and practice building new words. It will develop your creativity and critical thinking power.


There are many Frequently asked questions about the word-finding tools. here are the answers to those probable questions:

1. What types of words can I make with these letters?

Word finding tool is one of the great inventions of technology. It includes thousands of words only for your convenience. You can find whatever words that you desire to make by giving proper instructions. You just provide letters to the website, and they will serve you the meaningful and correct terms according to your instructions.

1. How to select the right tools for word-finding?

Choosing the right word-finding tool is very important to get reliable word. In the word-finding device, there are many options for finding a word. Don’t get confused with huge options. Click on the correct tool for word search, and follow the instructions. 

1. For whom the word-finding tools are beneficial?

The word-finding tools are beneficial for the students, writers, poets, scriptwriters, and many others. Many word game players take help from those tools. Moreover, this word tool works as a supplement to educations.

1. How to check the authenticity of the words?

As word-finding tools are very famous for preparing new words, many of us blindly rely on the words that we find in that tool. But you need to be careful about using the new words. If you find any unfamiliar words, Check it via google.

1. What are the famous word games?

There are many famous word games. the most popular of those are

1. 1. Wordscapes. 

2. Alphabear

3. TypeShift

4. Four Letters

5. Blackbar.

6. Words with Friends

7. New York Times Crossword.

8. Word Cookies.


It is a pleasure to learn something new that increases your eagerness to learn more. Word finding tools are here to resolve all your worries of the question What words can I make with these letters. The tool helps the writer input new words in his writing and enlarge their word stock. The beginners can start their word learning journey in a unique method that reduces the boredom of memorizing words bluntly. Sometimes the experts also encourage the word’s tools as that tool has sharpened human beings’ training. With the blessings of the internet, we are benefited from these easy tools of word making. Proper use of this tool may lead a human being to be a genius in the world of vocabulary. 

Purple Grow Light vs White Light

The growth and health of a grow tent depend on proper nourishment. A grower has to maintain a suitable and artificial environment for his plants. The grow light is the most important element of any indoor gardening. The healthy growth of plants largely depends on it. So you have to choose it very carefully. 

Grow light helps the plants of the tent flourish. It is a type of electric fixture that is used as an alternative to sunlight. It ensures  detailed and tailored spectrum and luminous efficacy which is necessary for  cultivation.

You have to maintain every single element very carefully to create the outside atmosphere for your plants.The lights and their shade should be determined by the type of plant you are planning to cultivate. 

Both purple and white lights are two of the widely used grow light fixtures in an indoor garden.  There are many controversies on the differences between purple grow light and white light. While analyzing the impact of light you have to check out the stage of the plants like germination or fruiting in order to fix the necessary photoperiod for them. 

White and purple light, both have significant parts to play in the field of plans. But you only need one. So you need to have a clear idea about both. Let me tell you a little about both the lights, their functions so that you can clearly make up your mind about purple light vs white light. 

 Purple Grow Light:

Well, There is a clear scientific explanation behind the effectiveness of purple grow light. Photosynthesis is the most complex and important chemical mechanism that occurs in the green leaves of the tree. The plant of a grow tent produces their food through photosynthesis which is specially directed by the purple grow light. Grow light is most of the time formulated to produce purple light. Why is that? 

When light is made with the mixing LEDs of red and blue it reflects purple color together. 

Horticulturalists say that they try to use purple light in their growing environment to create suitable frequencies for accelerating photosynthesis. 

The two prominent colors that play a crucial part to create purple light have their own effects on the health of the plants. The organic function of the leaves such as the participation of the chloroplast, stem, and overall petiole growth of the plants depends on the red light. Moreover, it helps to generate the reproductive system, flowering, and fruiting of the plants.

The growth and expansion of the organ of the plants are defined by the blue light. Stomatal opening for the processes of Photomorphogenesis, and photosynthesis occurred in the presence of blue light in the growing system. 

Thus, with the help of blue and red light, a purple outcome is produced. This happens to ensure a required amount of necessary lighting frequency to get vegetative growth from the plants.

 Best purple grow light 

Purple grow light is a mixing light that the growers used most often in their indoor gardening room to provide the plants UV-A and UV-B. But you have to choose the best purple light for you as the manufacturer might not be cautious about the health of your plants. Check the efficiency of the light or you may purchase it from a trustworthy and renowned shop to avoid the wrong choice. A perfect purple grow light has the following qualities: 

  1. The two prominent colors that are used to make purple light should be measured by experts.it can transfer the light energy into photons so that the plants absorb them for growth.
  2. Mixture 80 to 90 percent red and 10 to 20 percent blue light. 
  3. A premium purple fixture can accelerate the metabolic strength and ensure the rapid growth of your plants.
  4. RED light here is used for the enhancement of the plant. Blue light is used to make plants grow shorter according to the growers requirements. Again, it helps to attain the demanding compactness of the plants.

The purple grows light should be used very carefully for the cultivation as there is a huge impact of light frequencies on the plants. Choose the best one sensibly so that it may not mislead your plants in their crucial stage of growth. Don’t use purple to your plants as it is often unworthy for growing plants. It is also responsible for the reverse impression of purple grow light. 

White light:

Basically white light is the mixture white light is a mix of blue, green and red wavelengths. There is no specific white wavelength/ spectrum. 

The common characteristics of white grow light are that lights are eye-soothing and provide slight full-spectrum wavelength to the plants. 

Though it provides nutrition, sometimes it’s not enough for the demand of your plants. Home growers are suggested to use white light in their growing area. It doesn’t change the natural color of the tree. The only downside of white light is it can’t ensure the swift growth and timely flowering of your plants.

White LED Light 

Basically, all white LEDs are truly blue diodes that are covered with a substance called phosphors which change a portion of the blue light into longer, less vigorous wavelength.This type of white lights are mostly made for normal use. 

The popular demand has prompted fast innovative advances of the blue LEDs to make white LEDs. Thus, at a cheap rate you can get  effective (white) LEDs.

There are basically three types of white grow light used in grow tents. These are 

  • the mint-white: Slightly greenish hue. 
  • warm-white : Soft reddish hue 
  • Cool-white: Bluish hue. 

The shade of the white LED relies upon the phosphors used to change over the blue light into green, red and far red

One more approach to make white light with LEDs is to mix blue, green and red LEDs.However, , this is generally not done on the grounds that green LEDs are considerably less proficient than red and blue LEDs. 

White light for plants:

White light is used by several types of indoor cultivators. White grow light produces a light wave of many colors. There are some common impacts you might notice in white grow light. These are:

  1. The plants will get many types of spectrums from white to grow light that ensures necessary nutrition to the artificial growing environment.
  2. If you are planning for a short growing plant inside your home white light can be  useful to you. It is able to provide many sorts of shades to the plants.
  3. White light can’t produce any particular color acutely. Sometimes it hampers the flow of necessary elements to the plants. so, you have to combine some other lights to get a better result

Differences between purple grow light vs white light

There are many manufacturer and functional differences between purple grow light vs white light. A grower has to determine which one he should apply for his plants based on the types and developing level of the cultivation.

Purple LED consists of a combination of above 80% red and 20% of blue lights that provide you an excellent outburst. The efficiency of red light is so acute that it converts electricity into photons to boost photosynthesis. If you want to increase the growth and compactness you can add more blue lights to it. But the combination of these two colors may mislead you to trace out the real color of the plant inside a greenhouse. 

On the other hand, white light is prepared with the amalgamation of 7different colors of the spectrum. Different types of white light emit different lights which are modified by the phosphors used inside the light. Though the white lights are eye-soothing they don’t serve your plants like purple light. 

Another difference between purple grow light vs white light is the formulation of the far-red light effect. This is very necessary for the growth and early flowering of the plants. Far-red white LED lights are really rare. This is the modified version of red light. Since it only has a slight red effect, the plants might grow taller and flower ahead of schedule. But it is absent in the purple light. 

As white light can’t inspire plants in photosynthesis like purple light, the plants’ insight home wants to maintain a lower level of CO2 and a higher level of O2. But purple light is comfortably absorbed by the chlorophyll of your plants. And work perfectly with it. 

 Should I Buy Purple or White Grow light? 

Now, after everything, this is what it comes down to. What should you buy for a healthy growing system? Well, we would suggest buying a light fixture that has a bit of both. 

You will find many LED lights that offer a combination of small white, red and blue leds. You will get the necessary wavelength there. Your plants will thrive under those lights. And another plus is you won’t frequently have to change lights according to the plant’s grow phase. 

Frequently asked the question:

Are purple grow lights better?

Purple grow light ensures the light wave of blue and red that are very helpful for the plant’s metabolism and flowering. That light consumes low energy and temperatures. If you want to have a handy and easy use of grow light for better output, purple grow lights are the better choice for you.

Is white light or purple light better for plants?


Both white light and purple light serve your plant’s proper light frequencies. The difference lies in their efficiency. As white light covers up the full spectrum it cannot provide the requirement of a particular light frequency. But purple light ensures the most important demanding color frequencies of plants. 

How is Purple light important for plants?

According to the botanists’ plants react separately in different colors. In comparatively short waved violet or purple color leaves get high energy. It will be helpful for sprouting and vegetation.


There are technical and functional differences and controversies in Purple grow light vs white light. Each light has its own capacity of creating an artificial light spectrum to make the plants comfortable. A cultivator should choose the right one for his plants on the basis of the types, growing stage, and the requirements of the plants. 

Try to examine the health of the plants and have a discussion about the problems of the plants with horticulturalists. Maintain a proper guideline to have a bounce of flowers and fruits from your plantations. And if possible buy a full spectrum LED that offers all the wavelength. 

Pirate Bay Proxy List

Pirate bay is a website that has an exceptional reputation for having pirated files. These pirated files include lots of movies, dramas, books, games, and software. 
This website is a platform where you can find anything that you desire. But sometimes, this website does not respond as many countries are blocking the access. That is when you need the Pirate bay proxy list. Copyright specialists and media pushing the oversight and privateer gets impeded by a few ISPs (network access suppliers) globally, generally in the USA, UK, and European nations. The idea of driving these bars is to lessen online theft. However, these bars didn’t alleviate the Torrent clients. There are numerous elective privateer site’s and 100+ intermediary site are accessible for TPB clients. pirate proxy. wtf is one of the top intermediary sites.

What is a pirate bay proxy? 

The pirate bay Proxy list denotes the list of some proxy websites. Those websites are the substitute for The Pirate Bay shows. And currently, the website is widely known as TPB to the youngsters. When It is the question of entertainment, TPB is a vast ocean of free digital media. The innovative idea of sharing torrents was made in 2003 by a group of Swedish youngsters. Though it has to face several breakdowns due to the blame of infringement copyright, today, it turns into the giant field of proxy websites. So your journey with The Pirate Bay makes you streaming on music, tv shows and hit movies for free.
When The pirate bay website gets blocked, Pirate bay proxy websites become useful for people who want free content. As you have read, the majority of the countries have blocked the pirate bay. So, you can not access the website directly.
Instead, you have to use a proxy website to enter and download the content you desire. Privateer Bay Mirror Sites are generally for unblocking pirate bay With intermediary IP and unblock isp limitation. The pirate bay Proxy list is refreshed regularly with new intermediary IP, and 100% mysterious of utilizing Pirate Proxy Bay. Alongside impenetrable secure worker checked Piratebayunblocked Proxy.

The ban on pirate bay

ThePirateBay was perhaps the most famous downpours streaming site on the planet. It provides peer-to-peer file sharing facilities by using the BitTorrent protocol. Here a visitor can search and download shows.
Yet, now it has been hindered by numerous nations because of any copyright infringement claims. There are recorded versions in multiple nations, and a few countries have made it illicit to download content from privateer straight. 
Because of this, innumerable ISPs across the globe have chosen to put a restriction on these downpour sites. Moreover, the owners receive punishment as they are found guilty because of TPB. In this way, it was continually going to the extreme to battle nations like United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, and numerous others. It leads to the capture of one of the organizers of the TPB from Poland.

How pirate bay proxy websites work

Proxy facilitates you by unblocking websites that are not available in your country due to the policy system. So its website tracing procedures ids a bit different. It’s a very complicated task as it uses a VPN system. 
Virtual Protocol System is a system that changes the user’s location to its directed location. There are many websites that you know as the pirate bay proxy list. 
The Internet provides our searching result by using an IP address. So during the time of accessing the Pirate bay proxy, the searching point goes to the proxy server. It receives the search result from the webserver for you. These websites use the VPN system to change the user’s location to download the user’s file. And, then you will be able to get your desire web result in your browser.
You can use the server of Europe, Poland, and Russia as these contents do not have strict laws for online piracy. But it is best to use a proxy website for better results.

How to use pirate bay proxy websites

Usually, the users of pirate bay proxy servers allow other users who try to access. Proxy users utilize this area to arrange an option and give the rundown of the different inlets. These accessible intermediaries make a reflection of privateer straight in this manner you don’t host to download any third-get-together VPN to get to pirate bay mirrors.
In short, If you want to access the pirate bay from France, your location will change itself into a different server for unlocking the pirate bay. Moreover, It is much safer to access any proxy server as the ISP providers track these access points. 
To use Pirate Proxy bay, you have to prioritize the issue of security must. You can use a VPN for yourself in case of an emergency. There are many VPN services like Nord VPN, Express Vpn, CyberGoast Proton Vpn, and Surfshark. These are always ready to protect your web browsing with their worldwide accessibility. Vpn has a particular guide system that will hide your IP and online activities. VPN’s special vigilance can detect Unusual interference effectively also.
Still, proxy websites or proxy list consists of those particular websites that give access using a different server changing the location.

How to get files from the pirate bay proxy list

The Pirate Bay does not have free accessibility throughout the world because of its nature and name. To download using the pirate bay proxy list, you need a torrent downloader. You have to install torrent download on your phone, and you will be good to go. From the very beginning of its starting, TPB Has an index of magnet links and torrent files. With the help of torrent files, you can search, download, and explore a new era of entertainment. 
It would be best to keep in mind a few things as you will be using the torrent downloader. There are various versions of the torrent downloader. The most prominent of them is utorrent, pietorrent, BitTorrent, qBittorrent. These are the downloaders you can use to download the pirate bay files or any other torrent website.
Remember a few things before downloading a file:
– Seeders and Peers.
– How many times are they downloaded.
– Content description.
– Disclaimer.
– Feedbacks and comments.
After checking that click on download, the torrent file will download. Now it’s time to click again on the torrent file. Lastly, the torrent downloader will download the file for you. Now you will get the latest movies, tv programs, music shows, different types of design, necessary applications, and whatever you want for your device with The pirate Bay proxy.

The profit of using pirate bay proxy websites

There is an excellent profit for end users. You can download the original content free of charge. The proxy website or mirror website owner can earn little cash from showing advertisements on their website. Mostly the users get the content free of charge. So they are happy with their content, and the website owner uses those traffic for advertisements. Moreover, those countries with restricted access to the pirate bay can easily access and download their favorite content without getting any attention.
Usually, the users of pirate bay proxy servers allow other users who try to access. Proxy users utilize this area to arrange an option and give the rundown of the different inlets. These accessible intermediaries make a reflection of privateer straight in this manner you don’t host to download any third-get-together VPN to get to pirate bay mirrors.
In short, If you want to access the pirate bay from France, your location will change itself into a different server for unlocking the pirate bay. Moreover, It is much safer to access any proxy server as the ISP providers track these access points. 
To use Pirate Proxy bay, you have to prioritize the issue of security must. You can use a VPN for yourself in case of an emergency. There are many VPN services like Nord VPN, Express Vpn, CyberGoast Proton Vpn, and Surfshark. These are always ready to protect your web browsing with their worldwide accessibility. Vpn has a particular guide system that will hide your IP and online activities. VPN’s special vigilance can detect unusual interference effectively.
Still, proxy websites or proxy list consists of those particular websites that give access using a different server changing the location.

Why pirate bay proxy websites show ads?

Advertisements on search results are the most prominent source of earning for the websites. As you have seen already, TPB proxy websites show ads because many things need money to run. For example, to run a website, there are various costs such as domain cost, hosting fee, developing costs, maintenance cost, etc. TPB earns $84,000 per month and in a big range of $169,000 per year from advertisements.
Especially the server maintenance fee is very high. Countries like France, the USA, UK, and Russia ban their citizens’ access to the pirate bay website. So they have to use Pirate Bay Proxy. So to keep these websites, running ads are essential. 

Pirate bay proxy list 2021

There are many websites in the Pirates bay proxy list. Here we choose the most reliable pirate bay proxy list available for you. We have scanned all over the Internet and selected the best ones for you.
  1. TPB.red
  2. mypiratebay.net
  3. Mypiratebay.co
  4. Mypiratebay.best
  5. Mypiratebay.me
  6. Mypiratebay.wtf
  7. Mypiratebay.win
  8. Mypiratebay.live
  9. Mypiratebay.club
  10. Mypiratebay. work
  11. Pirateproxy.surf
  12. Pirateproxy.us
  13. Pirateproxy. wtf 
You can access these websites by just clicking on the name. It is a mirror link to the actual website. So, no worries, the contents available on the pirate bay can get access from here.

Frequently asked question

Here are some FAQs about the Pirate bay proxy list: 
  1. What is the pirate bay proxy list?
= It is a list of the mirrored links of The pirate bay website. Those websites help you stream on your desire site easily—the Mazor of those links up above the article.
  1. Does the pirate bay proxy websites need subscription fees or any fees?
= The simple answer is no. You don’t need to pay anything to subscribe to the pirate bay proxy websites. The mirrored links of the pirate bay are free to use. Anyone can access and download their favorite content from anywhere.
  1. How to find the Pirate bay proxy list?
= In this article, we have gathered one of the top pirate bay proxy websites for your convenience. You can use these links to get access to the pirate bay website.
  1. Is it safe to use Pirate bay proxy websites?
= g Yes, It is entirely safe to use these proxy websites as they are only mirror links. You can be a little extra safe by using a Vpn and avoiding click on any ads.
  1. Will my ISP provider track me if I visit the pirate bay?
= Most probably not, but who knows what happens. Try to be extra cautious and use the tor browser with any VPN for extra security. Most of the time, you do not have to take additional steps as the proxy websites we mentioned can access the USA.


Many torrent websites give free access to numerous contents. Very few of them are as much popular as the pirate bay. But unfortunately, the leading countries have banned the website for their pirated contents as it violates the laws of their country’s copyright act. 
USA, UK, France, and many other influential countries have banned the pirate bay. That is why you need to use a proxy website or a mirrored link to access the pirate bay. The pirate bay proxy list has all the mirrored links that you can access and enjoy your content. 
In The pirate bay proxy, you can download your desire contents free of cost. It is good to do seeding as it helps other sites to download faster. It Just requires the use of a torrent downloader and makes you embark on a beautiful journey with The pirate bay proxy.

How to install Nord VPN on firestick?

How to install Nord VPN on firestick?


Amazon fire stick is the unique multipurpose device in the new contemporary world of smart tv. It will amuse you with a variety of tv features. And the other unique features that will make you. NordVpn on firestick is such an extraordinary virtual service provider that enables your fire tv to access over all sorts of channels and tv shows. To be privileged by this amazing Vpn service you must learn how to install Nord VPN on firestick.

NordVpn is a type of private network provider that will modify a fire tv to serve different kinds of channels. Many channels do not have access permission all over the world. That’s why the user has recourse to any sort of VPN properties. Out of all those Vpn providers, Nord VPN is popular for its accessibility.

NordVpn  amazon fire tv makes your browsing safe and free from any sort of web traffic. In a word, it is very carefully to secure your data with an extra security layer. It can hide your IP by changing it twice. It also protects the physical location of your device. The special privilege that is provided by Nord VPN is it can serve on six devices at the same time. Sometimes it helps you to enjoy your desire program without unnecessary disturbance of annoying ads, and websites.

What is NordVpn?

Nord Vpn is the most famous networking service in the world of VPNs. It compiles a bundle of features for a smart tv like amazon fire tv. It has made a completely new app only for fire tv users. Many regional locked videos are not easy to run easily. Again many third parties are spying on your online activities. So this Nord VPN works as a great remedy for all these hazards during your browsing. It observes all these extra annoying issues vigilantly and prevents disturbances of buffering.

The founder of Nord VPN is “four Childhood Friend”. It started its journey on its website in 2012. its browser extension is introduced in the year 2017 for google chrome. It also privileges android tv with an amazing application in the following year. Nowadays Nord VPN is available in more than 62 countries with its than 5200 servers. The very new compatible version of the NordVpn app is available on Amazon for fire tv users.

What features are on NordVpn?

Nord VPN serves many unique features besides common VPN facilities for its subscriber. The most important feature of Nord VPN is it has worldwide accessibility. It has a special guide system that will hide your IP and online activities. Unusual interference is also be detected by Nord VPN’s special vigilance. By using OpenVPN and Internet Key Exchange v2/IPsec technologies it can encrypt your accessing data.

Amazon fire tv users can use Nord VPN through a simple subscription. It will work as a helping app for your smart tv to streaming freely on different channels. There is some channel like youtube and Vudu that are not accessible through all over the world. Nord Vpn allows you to enjoy those channels from everywhere.

The important thing about NordVpn is normally VPN is not supported by the first generation fire tv of amazon. So in that case you have to download this Nord VPN from Amazon Appstore.

How much is NordVpn?

When it is the matter of browsing internet safety must have given priority. Here Nord VPN ensures the safety of your device for sure. And there is a money-back guarantee for a month. If you don’t enjoy using it they don’t annoy you with any trouble. First of all, they ensure a free trial with full access and it will be risk-free.

Again the company serves you with their four option for price giving. If you want to test it for trial you may pay $11.95 per month. Once you found it useful you have to pay $54.00 for six months subscription. Moreover, there is an option of paying annually for the finest NordVpn connection for your fire tv. If you want to buy it for a year the company reduce the fee and it will be only $69.00.

The best facility that is available in NordVpn is the company that accepts money from different options like PayPal, credit cards, and all other online payment methods Iit will never make its subscriber confused by lots of directions and ways. The way of its subscription is very easy and simple. in this article, we will know how to install Nord VPN on Amazon Fire tv.

How to install Nord VPN on firestick?

There is an automatic method of installing Nord VPN on fire tv. For the trial, you can use the one monthly subscription. To download it you have to go through the following procedure.

1. You have to turn on your fire tv. Wait for a while for loading the home screen.

2. At the top there is a magnifying glass icon. find it out and have a click on that.

3. A search bar will appear. write NordVpn on that and search it. You will find the NordVpn app here in the first result. 

4. It’s time to click on the get button and wait for a while. In the mean time, the app will be downloaded and installed.

5. Now there are two options for you, click on the open button or open Nord VPN from your app. It will provide the updates for you. You may install it if needed.

6. Provide your user name and password so that it will get accessibility to your fire tv. Then you may select a server and connect it with Vpn.

There is another method of installing and using NorrdVpn. The following steps will make you get the instruction. many android apps are not available for amazon fire tv. Nord Vpn allows you to access those apps with its extraordinary beneficial features. If you are using a second generation fire tv user the following methods are made only for you.

 NordVpn offers APK file and Vpn app directly only for your convenience.Sometimes it is found hard to control the app with a remote of any smart tv. In that case, you can use a Bluetooth mouse to avoid the bothering facts. Let us trace out the procedures.

Step 01: First of all you have to open the home screen of FireStick. Select app selection situated in the top menu bar. Choose the settings option from the top right corner of the page. Select My fire tv or Device from the settings option. Now you have to choose the Developer option of My fire tv. And then turn on the app from an unknown source.

Step 2: it’s time to go back to the FireStick home page again. From that page click on the search icon from the top menu.Type downloader and click on the result that appears very first. Then the Downloader app will come up. To proceed further you have to click on that. Press on the ‘Getting’ or ‘Download’ button. 

Step 03: After pressing ‘Get’ you find an option named “open”.Have a click on it. When you find the app opened, type the URL  to the APK file. Wait for a while as it may take some times to process. so you should follow the process as The download link of NordVpn is a bit long. So you should find out a page that may contain the Nord VPN link . at last click on the download button to go further. 

Step 04: Once you have finished the download you can go to install the app. To do it you have to select Install, and then click on the open. After completing the actions you may exit from the downloader.

Step 5: sometimes Nord VPN treat as a third-party app, it may not be available on the home screen of fire tv or app page. But if you go through the following from settings to application and from there to manage installed application you will find the VPN app. Finally, It’s time to click on the launch application. 

Step 06. now sign in according to the design and proceed by following instructions.

How to control NordVpn on Firestick with a mouse?

An amazon fire tv can also be operated by a bluetooth mouse app . Go through the settings from the remote. You may use a tablet or a smartphone too to modify. Amazon has a tv remote app for firestick, but you are not allowed to use the mouse. there is an app named remote for Fire tv costs $2 and another free app named Cetusplay also available on the fire tv app store. It will help you to use a mouse for your tv. If it is possible use Cosplay to give a force to browsing. 

Here you will get the way of operating fire tv with the remote.

You will get the android version of the remote only from the amazon app store. But there is a thing that you have to keep in mind that the icon of both the amazon app store and google play store is similar. From here you have to install the amazon play store on your android smartphone. It will make your device to get control over amazon fire tv. The steps are given below for your convenience.

After opening the app on your fire tv the first item must be toggled on and then you find booting which is optional. The status indicator instructs you to press on Started. The app runs in the background automatically.

You have to connect both the fire tv stick and the second android device to the same wifi network. After getting the fire tv stick on your phone you can use the mouse option. Your phone turns into a touchpad and you can do your job with a simple click. If you want to scroll you have to use the s-up and s down buttons.

Open NordVpn back up from the amazon remote app. Click on the person icon and enter the required data and location to sign in. Now your fire tv is connected to the NordVpn. It will serve you until the power down or manual disconnection.


1.Is NordVpn available to Amazon FireStick?

Yes but not directly. You have to follow some procedures to get NordVpn on your fire tv. After downloading it you will enjoy the top quality internet service.

2.How do you get Nord on FireStick?

NordVpn is very easy to install on smart tv. To get NordVpn for your FireStick you have to follow a quick steps-

· Buy an amazon FireStick.

· Start with the home page.

· Go to the settings and choose my fire tv

· Then select the app from another device and follow the further instructions.

Thus you will be able to get connected with NordVpn from your fire tv.

3. Is there any subscription fee for NordVpnon FireStick?

Nord VPN doesn’t provide any free online services to users. you need to pay if you want to have it on your fire tv. There is no free trial but an option named money-back guarantee is available for you.

4. Is there any monthly cost for NordVpn?

Yes. You have to pay any monthly cost for the NordVpn. There is there a simple option of paying. $11.95 per month, $54.00 for six months subscription. If you want to buy it for a year the fee will $69.00.

5. What is the payment method of NordVpn?

The payment method for installing NordVpn is very easy and simple. NordVpn subscription accepts money from different options like PayPal, credit cards, and all other online payment options. 

6. What types of features does NordVpn provides?

NordVpn has world worldwide accessibility. It can hide your IP and online activities and reduce the risk of unusual interference. it will protect your device from third party involvement.


NordVpn on FireStick comes as a unique networking service. As far you might have learned how to install Nord VPN on firestick. Now it allows the FireStick subscriber to explore the new era of browsing history. It will reduce the hazers of buffering, annoying ads, and promotions of products. It will make you relax by protecting your device from any sort of online trouble. 

When you embark on your fire tv journey with NordVpn you can feel free to browse it from anywhere. It will make your watching tv happy and entertaining.


Nordvpn for amazon fire tv makes tv journey faster. How to install Nord VPN on firestick is also in your hand. So It’s time to enjoy load free browsing.